Commanding Officer

Every Starfleet Facility has a single commanding officer responsible for the safety of his/her crew and the success of their missions. S/he has final accountability for any actions taken by his/her crew, and Starfleet goes to great lengths to prepare a CO for the job ahead, including the interpretation and execution of Starfleet rules and regulations.

The Commanding Officer has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and well being of his ship and crew and to ensure that the ship's current mission is being satisfactorily executed. The CO's immediate staff are the First Officer and the chiefs of the other departments (the Department Heads), but is, in reality, the entire ship's complement. The CO has no set duty shift and is always considered to be on call. On larger starships the CO usually has his own office, and this office is sometimes very close to the bridge, offering quick and easy access in emergency situations. The CO is also responsible for meting out punishment for crew members found guilty of breaking major regulations. The Commanding Officer is also traditionally the member of the crew who performs such duties as marrying crew members under his command and serving as the host at all official functions held aboard his ship.

The Commanding Officer position is a prestigious and top level position. If you are considering this position then you should know that the person selected for this spot will be held to the utmost strict guidelines.

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